
Sunday, September 19, 2010

4G vs 3G: How is the 4G different than the 3G technology..

9:26 AM

With the introduction of 4G, there has started the 4G vs 3G debate. How is the 4G technology different than the 3G technology? Let’s find out.

When a layman hears 4G or 3G phones, he is all lost and does not know, what are they. They are terms to describe different technologies, that can be used from the mobile phones. The ‘G’ stands for generation. These nomenclatures started off with the introduction of 1G phones. They are the First Generation phones, which were also called as ‘brick phones’. They were indeed the first mobile phones to have been introduced in the market. Then came the 2G aka Second Generation phones. With the introduction of 2G phones, they went on from analog to digital phones. The Third Generation or 3G mobile phones ushered in faster data-transmission speeds, due to which one could use the cell phone in more data demanding ways. It is with the speed, that you are able to stream video, audio and much more on your mobile phones. A lot of money has been spent by the various telephone companies to prove it to the common man, the importance of 3G network. The latest technology on the horizon is 4G. What are the improvements, that have gone above 3G to make the new technology? Therefore 4G vs 3G is the dilemma, that people have. Let’s find out.

Difference Between 4G and 3G

To understand the difference between 4G and 3G , we will first have to understand, what exactly are each of them. This will help us to understand the differences between them easier.

What is 3G
3G is a wireless technology, which has come with enhancement over the preceding wireless technologies. Some of the factors, where 3G wins over its predecessors is that it has high speed transmission, advanced multimedia access and global roaming. This technology is used more, with the cell phones to connect the phone to the Internet, or other IP networks, to make a voice or video call or to download and upload data and not to forget to surf the net.

What is 4G
When we speak about 4G, we are essentially talking about the change in the fundamental nature of the service offered, non backwards compatible transmission technology and new frequency bands. It is expected to give a comprehensive and secure all-IP based solution, which will have facilities like IP telephony, ultra-broadband Internet access, gaming services and streamed multimedia facility to the user.

4G vs 3G
To understand 4G versus 3G difference, we will take some points into consideration.

4G vs 3G Speed
How faster is 4G as compared to 3G is a dicey question. The speed of 3G is dependent on how the network has been implemented. However, the 4G transmission speed is said to be at least 4 times faster, than the 3G network. It has also been observed that there is scope for improving the speed of 3G transmission.

4G vs 3G Network
With the introduction of 3G, the cell phone user was able to use speech and data services simultaneously, with higher data rates. The 4G data rates are expected to be much higher than the current ones provided by 3G. Along with the rate, 4G is expected to give its users gaming, multimedia and Internet access support.

4G vs 3G Bandwidth
If you have to look at the bandwidth of 3G and 4G, you will notice, that there is no difference. Both 3G and 4G have a bandwidth of 5 - 20 MHz. It is the data rate, which makes the difference. The data rate of 3G is up to 2 Mbps, whereas that of 4G is 100 Mbps to 1 Gbps stationary.

After reading all the points about 4G vs 3G technology, it is evident, that 4G is certainly an advanced technology vis-a-vis 3G. However, the one point in 4G vs 3G, is that we will have to wait till 4G is also implemented. Which may take a real long time, as 3G is still not being widely circulated, as it should have been, although measures are been taken for the same.

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